Even Obama Won't Last Forever

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good News for McCain in Pennsylvania!

HT to Tony Phyrillas!

This is being cross-posted to the Red November 2008 blog, as well.

Thursday, March 27, 2008
That sinking feeling ... for Democrats

A new poll comes out every day, but the news is not good for either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

Rasmussen Reports – Sen. McCain continues to lead both potential Democrat opponents

McCain = 51%
Obama = 41%

McCain = 50%
Clinton = 43%

To read the full poll, click here.

And the longer the Democrats battle for the nomination, the bigger the split within the party.

Rasmussen Reports – Twenty-two percent of Democrats say Clinton or Obama should drop out

Democrats who believe Clinton should drop out = 22%

Democrats who believe Obama should drop out = 22%

Democrats who aren’t ready for the race to end = 62%

To read the full poll, click here.

Another polls finds 48 percent of voters have a negative image of Hillary Clinton. How do you win the presidency with just 42 percent of the vote?

Democrats appear to have done it to themselves again: Snatch defeat from the mouth of victory.

The TrekMedic adds:

A bit of Hill-arious schadenfreude here, huh? From the party that rails against the stereotypical "rich, white businessman" of the Republican Party, comes representatives from the two major Democratic demographics (a black man and a woman, in case people like Will Bunch or the Philly Progressives don't get it,..) and,..THEY STILL CAN'T GET IT RIGHT!!

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