Even Obama Won't Last Forever

Monday, September 1, 2008

Comments on (Future) VP Governor Sarah Palin, Part II

Marie drops her Two Cents with:

McCain Pick's Gov. Sarah Palin R-AK, Perfect Choice!

What a perfect choice this is! She's a gun totin Conservative from Alaska who stopped the "Bridge to Nowhere", Lifetime member of the NRA, Has 5 kids and one has down syndrome, Overhalled the Alaska government and got rid of corruption, Has 80% approval rating, and just a great Pick! Kudos Senator McCain!

Daniel Ruwe at Right Minds calls it "a perfect pick"

John McCain was to pick his running mate the day after the convention. To break Obama’s momentum, he needed a perfect pick, and a flawless announcement of that choice.

He got both. Sarah Palin is probably the best pick McCain could have made. She is brilliant—young, articulate, conservative—and female. Almost as importantly, McCain’s announcement of the pick was impeccable—he announced it twelve hours after Obama’s convention speech, pushing Obama’s excellent speech off the front page, ensuring that there will be little media coverage of it.


Experience aside, Palin is literally a perfect choice. She is strongly pro-life (she refused to abort her fifth child, even after tests showed that the child would be born with Down Syndrome), pro-gun (how many other politicians have video of themselves firing an M-16?), pro-drilling, and anti-pork (she claims credit for shooting down corrupt Alaska Senator Ted Stevens’ infamous Bridge to Nowhere). In addition, she is good-looking and articulate, in stark contrast to Joe “Hair Plugs” Biden, who is seemingly always either shouting or getting ready to shout. (At least when he isn’t making embarrassing racial gaffes). Palin attract a great many conservatives, and will be a perfect counterpoint to Joe Biden.

In fact, most conservatives seem overjoyed at the news. Rush Limbaugh called the selection “a great pick,” while the conservative blogosphere (which was probably Palin’s most enthusiastic base of support) was ecstatic. A great many unenthusiastic conservatives, such as Mark Levin, seem to be coming back to the Republican party. Palin has brought the conservative movement into McCain’s corner.

And finally, Sarah Palin is a woman. A qualification for higher office? No. But will it help McCain a lot? Absolutely. Many former Hillary Clinton are angry that their candidate was never even vetted by Obama, and cannot support Barack Obama. Many more moderate female voters like the idea of voting for one of their sex. And Palin will blunt the idea of “making history” by voting for an African-American. The Republicans have their own “minority” on the ticket—history will be made either way. (Of course, women are not actually minorities—there are actually more women than men).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a "Perfect Pick" indeed.
The polls alrady showed a bounce this morning. The score is tied.
I wish the NY Yankee's could bounce back that fact!