Even Obama Won't Last Forever

Friday, February 8, 2008

Romney Fallout

Marie offers 2 more cents of the Romney campaign:

Mitt Quit's/Big Mac Attack?

Story Here

Good luck on your travels Governor Romney, and God Bless!


Are We Ready For The Big Mac Attack?

I was captured by McCain's speech today. He said to those of us (That ususally disagree with him) That he will seek council in the Republicans and Conservatives he will surround himself with should we disagree.

He said he will keep the Bush tax cut's permanent.

And will be a warrior in the War on Terror.

He will appoint Conservative Judges to the SCOTUS.

I think he just told me all I needed to know. If he is willing to work with me I am willing to work with him.

So........... Go John McCain!!!!

This Video Is WORTH The Watch:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O’bambi kicked her ass Pant Suit and all in all 3 States Nebraska, Washington, and Louisiana, not only did he win, but the the margin of victories were surprising very large, particularly in Nebraska and Washington, which offered the biggest amount of delegates. In both states, he captured 68 percent of the vote in caucuses, compared with. Clinton’s roughly 32 percent.
The ashtray and lamps are going to be flying high tonight!
I realize that everyone is happy and exuberant about the PIAPS getting beat. Yes, that's a good thing, but we still have to keep our eye on the prize. We could have our fun now, but we still have to win this thing. Whoever wins the nomination in that loony party must be defeated. I’m in a funny position myself, as much as I want Hillary to lose to O’Bambi, both of the two Moonbats have to be defeated in November.
Meanwhile, it’s wonderful to see Her Thighness in a panic and that my friends is music to my ears. So in my movement called ANYBODY BUT HILLARY join me to stop the Leftist socialists subversive attempt to ruin the America we all know and love